Welcome Twenty Somethings!

Hi!! I’m Geraldine and I’m not in my twenties but I’ve been through my twenties and I parent two twenty-year olds. Your twenties are a transformative decade and can be tough at times. For this website, I’d like to provide you with a place to find useful information on Relationships, Money, Mind & Body and Career.
After over 20 years of working as a consultant in the tech space and as a CPA, I’m dedicating time to one of my passions which is mentoring young people.
This blog has contributors from people in their twenties, but also, thirties, forties and beyond. To be honest, many of us are also still figuring out ‘adulting’.
I’d also love for you to consider this blog as your 20s playbook, but also a safe place to share your stories (which may help others) and ask any questions you may have. No judgement. At a minimum, you’ll discover that you aren’t alone in your journey.
So grab a seat, pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea, and join us on this crazy, beautiful journey called life in your twenties. Because trust us, the best is yet to come!
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